He is the largest of the African cats, weighing in at between 400 and 500 pounds.
The lion is the only member of the cat family to live in social groups called prides. The pride consists of a matriarch, several of her sisters, their cubs, and a dominant male. These large cats have very large appetites and can consume up to 25 percent of their own body weight in a single feeding. Only the males have manes, which develop between 2 to 3 years of age. Some males remain maneless, but their size and muscle structure distinguish them from the females.
Both the lion and lioness can make for extremely exciting hunts. This member of the Big Five deserves your utmost respect. He is extremely nimble and fast, able to cover 100 yards in 3 to 4 seconds. Unpredictable as a house cat and extremely vindictive, he will finish what he starts and is well-equipped to make short work of a man. An ambush predator, if he is hurt and he knows what has hurt him, he will be intent on doing something about it!
Lion can be hunted throughout Africa and are a fantastic hunting experience. These big cats are a prized trophy and are pure excitement to hunt. You are scared 3 times on a lion hunt, first when you see the big tracks on the ground, next when you hear his intimidating roar, and for a third time when you lay your eyes on him.
These big cats have a territory that they protect and hunting areas that they frequent. For baiting purposes larger baits are set up closer to the ground. High enough that the lions can feed with some effort and higher than Hyena can reach. Guts and stomach contents are scattered around the bait with the hope of drawing the cat in by smell. Lion hunting can be done in a blind waiting for a lion to feed or can be done by stalking the bait, typically early in the mornings to find the lion there at first light. Once on the bait, lions are typically easier to get a shot at than a leopard.